How to be happy and relaxed parents

We all are strive for relaxed parenting and we want to be a happy parent, but our innumerable responsibilities make it challenging. Parents are very protective for their children and pay attention to their smallest needs. But while taking care of our children, we become overly concerned about them and due to this our stress and fatigue increases. Don’t lose hope just yet. I am inclined to tell you those things that might help you to be a happy and calm parent. Read about them. 

Avoid over caring

Parents want the best to their children. They work and earn so they can care for their child.  Though a secure and happy family environment is a necessity for healthy growth and development, there is a fine line between caring and over caring.

While taking care of the child, parents do not realize that they become over caring for the child and want to be with him all the time. Over caring usually derives from a parent's desire to manage their own trouble, as they can't tolerate watching their child get hurt, fail, or make mistakes. At other times, parents feel guilty for disciplining their child and refuse to enforce consequences. Even due to the limited exposure of the child, his skills do not develop rapidly.

While caring is good, over caring can end in disaster. Over caring can lead to additional stress and anxiety. Caring is not bad, as long as you find the right balance in it.

Click here How to cope with teenagers: problems and solutions to read about the problems of teens and their solutions.

Pamper yourself

As you become a parent, your focus shifts to caring for your new bundle of joy. And as your child grows from an infant to a toddler and beyond, you may find it difficult to return your attention to taking care of yourself.

 When you're not taking care of yourself, you're likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed, which makes it hard to be an empathetic and patient parent. In turn, you may feel guilty and overwhelmed.

Taking care of your spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs will help you feel your best so that you can be the best parent. It's important to take a little time for self-care, even when you feel like you don't have a second to dedicate to yourself. While there are many different self-care strategies for parents, it's important to experiment with them to find out which strategies work best for you. Keep one thing in your mind that when you feel that you don’t have time to self-care, it’s the high time when you need to practice self-care most.

Click here Take A Better Care Of Yourself to read about the importance of self-care.

Let kids make mistakes

When children make mistakes, many parents often get angry with children, scold them badly or even scaring them. Many times, knowingly or unknowingly such things have a bad effect on the mind of children, as well as parents are also getting stressed. It is more important to make our children enable to handle critical life situation without any hassle instead of making them perfect. If the child has not made any serious mistake, then let him handle things on his own. This will improve their learning and they themselves will understand how they can improve themselves further. It also helps build resilience. Sometimes the lessons learned from making mistakes make children more intelligent and making parents calmer and happier.

You may also like to read 4 Major Parenting Mistakes To Avoid

Spend time with friends and loved ones

It is often seen that after becoming parents, we are cut off from our friends and relatives. And this can be one of the main reasons for the stress of parents. We indulge so much raising our child that we reduce our contact with our friends and people who are close to us. This thing affects our personality and also effects our child. If you want to see the child happy, then it is essential that you expand your circle yourself, interact with your friends. So that, the child will also meet new people and he will get an opportunity to learn. Confidence of parents is also maintained by staying connected with their close ones and problems related to parenting are also solved.

Give Up Guilt

Life is busy, especially for parents. As the time passes by, other priorities overcome quality family time. The guilt of not spending quality time with our family and children, leads to increase stress of parents. Parents sometimes fall into the trap of self-sacrifice because they feel unnecessary guilt. Guilt can be useful if you use it to identify where you need to make changes. However, the overwhelming, paralyzing guilt that makes you feel worthless as a person or as a parent accomplishes nothing. You are enough just as you are. Instead of feeling guilty, plan your day in such a way that you can make time for everything and can be a relaxed and calm parent.

Talk to your partner

Communication plays an essential role when it comes to a relationship. But it becomes more important when you become parents. When you feel low or stressed or worried about your kids, the best way to relieve stress is to talk to your partner. Talk to your partner about what is going on in your mind. Tell your partner about the reasons for your insecurities, fears and worries before and after the baby is born. With this, both of you will be able to solve every problem together and you both will be calmer and happier, as parents.

Don't impose your decisions on your kids

One of the biggest causes of parental stress is the imposition of decisions on their children, especially for parents of teens. If the children do not listen, instead of getting angry, handle them with love, because as the child grows up, he starts feeling independent. If the parents remain friends, then the children are more likely to obey them and the love relationship with the children also remains intact.

 I think the most important job of parents is to show your children how to live a fulfilling, happy life. Happy parents raise happy children. So, deep breath. It’s time to let go of whatever keeps you stuck and let the happiness in!

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