How To Regain Your Peace Of Mind (Mental Detox)

Diwali is over now. All of us in our working zone now. After a festival like Diwali which is celebrated as the Festival of Lights with yummy food, we think to detox our body but what about our mind which has been filled with the negative thoughts over many years. It needs to be detoxed too.

We are all so overwhelmed, yet we keep moving forward without leaving anything behind. In this post, I'm sharing ten ways to free up some headspace and regain your peace of mind.

Click here to read keep The Stress At A Bay to keep yourself away from stress.

Relive your hobbies

Our hobby is simply an activity that we do for enjoyment and pleasure in our leisure time. Do something that we enjoy is vital to our continued development because they enhance our quality of life. If you want to forget everyday stresses, engaged yourself in something you enjoy. Hobbies make you more interesting and help to relieve stress. Hobbies allow you to destress yourself while remaining mentally productive. When you are feeling overwhelmed, hobbies are there to help you de-stress and relax.

Take a break

Taking breaks is not a bad thing. It is essential to put your needs and well-being first to help you lead a happy life. You know how important it is to take some time off and pay attention to how you're feeling. Just like breathing is essential for life, taking a break is necessary for mental peace. Follow and interact with people who add value or positivity to your life. Then, ask yourself how you can remove what is not valuable to you. Unsubscribe, unfollow, and maybe try a media detox to give your brain a break.

 Here SHOW SOME LOVE FOR YOURSELF ON VALENTINE'S DAY and Take A Better Care Of Yourself ,you can learn about self-care.

Go to your happy place

Apply now, do something emergency positive for yourself. Create a playlist that makes your heart sing, make sure you have a light-hearted book next to your bed to make you smile, find an uplifting podcast series that makes you feel inspired and uplifted, find out which friends or family members always say the right things to rest in your mind, and save their numbers to your favorites.

Finding the happiness, we find on a day-to-day basis; we are more equipped to wean ourselves off the frustration caused by negative thoughts. We have a readily available option that we know can please our soul. In a dark moment, decide it's time to wall off and embrace the positive. We know that as soon as we engage with our positive habit, we'll feel (even a little) better.

Brain dump

Is your mind feeling disorganized? One of my favorite ways to free up space in my mind is to do a brain dump. I know it's not a pretty word, but it's when you get a piece of paper and write down anything that comes to mind. Let go of information you don't need in your mind.

Another way to free up space is to bring awareness to any negative thought patterns. What do you pay attention to that is taking up headspace?

Maintain a gap from negative people

Try to stay away from things that cause you stress. Talk less to those who give you stress, share your thoughts with your friends and spend time with family. These things will help in reducing stress. If you’re like me, you easily absorb other people's energy. That's why it's so important to be around positive and good-humored people. The same is true for the types of information you consume online. If we do not spend time alone without the intervention of others, we do not understand what our own thoughts and opinions are.

Click here How To Overcome Depression And Anxiety: Few Practical Tips to learn about to beat depression and anxiety.


Those who spend most of their time in office work, they should meditate regularly. Meditation not only reduces mental stress, but also keeps your body fit. It is said that by meditating, the damaged cells of our brain can be attached, so it is important to meditate daily. Those who have to go through stress every day, such people should do meditation in any case. This strengthens the mind and increases the ability to tolerate any situation. Whenever there is a lot of tension, take a long breath by sitting in a quiet place for some time. This gives oxygen to the brain and reduces stress.


Gratitude, or being thankful for something, is a very underrated emotion. It is a feeling that makes you realize all the good things that happen in your life. Now the question arises that how can this feeling of gratitude be good for our mental and emotional well-being. This is very easy and simple. This is the only emotion that helps you notice the positive things around you. It shifts your focus from negative things to good and positive things. In this way, it makes us happier, more satisfied and more optimistic.

We all human want to be successful in life. In this process of success, the rule of being grateful is the most important. Feeling of thanks towards others. In our Indian civilization, we worship these five elements like fire, water, air, earth, sky, as a form of gratitude, we worship them and keep a sense of thanks, respect, because on these elements the universe rests. Gratitude makes us bow down to that person or thing, which makes our life easy and gives us happiness. This gratitude also destroys our ego and make us stress free.


Good communication is key to reducing your stress levels. When we are misunderstood or criticized, we feel isolated and defensive. When conflict arises at home or work and we cannot discuss it constructively, we often feel stressed and angry. Healthy communication can enable us to weather almost any storm and keep things running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. If communication is open and clear, small problems are dealt with quickly and easily, and the relationship moves on. When communication is less healthy, small problems can become big problems and resentment can escalate.

Sometimes sharing your problem with others gives a solution. So don't be afraid to ask for help from your spouse, close friends and neighbors. If stress and anxiety persist, talk to your doctor.

Developing a new attitude

If you are constantly plagued by negative thoughts, it is time to change your attitude. It won't be easy, and it will take time, but it's entirely possible to develop a new, more positive outlook on life. Changing your attitude will help you deal with both negative thoughts and negative people. To start changing your attitude, surround yourself with positivity. It is essential to spend time with positive people and in a positive environment.

The people around us and the people we spend time with have a significant impact on our mindset and behavior. It will be difficult to feel positive if you surround yourself with negativity.

Therefore, evaluate your circle and your surroundings. Is it a good thing? If not, now is the time to make a change.

Negative thoughts are a natural part of who you are. It’s how you respond to them that is important. Did this post help you to identify any ways you can detox your mindset? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

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