keep The Stress At A Bay

We all know that stress is not good for our physical and mental health. Everyone expresses stress from time to time. If we stuck in the traffic, getting late for a meeting, dinner is not ready on time, means anything from everyday responsibilities can trigger stress. At times we, the women get stressed with such tiny things which can be ignored easily. However we can't fix everything in our life in jiffy, we can keep some points in our mind to make our life stress free.    

1: Don't weigh yourself very often:

Weight loss is the biggest desire for most of the people nowadays. It is also the biggest reason of the stress nowadays. We should not measure ourselves very often as weight is not a true symbol of a healthy body. On the contrary stress is one of the big reasons of the weight gain. In fact weighing too often can impact mental health. Our focus should be on our health not on our weight. So ' स्वस्थ रहो  मस्त रहो '|

( Most of us are tempt of a perfect figure and focused only on the weight loss. Here 5 Habits I Adopted To Maintain My Figure I have explained in detail about to maintain my 'Figure')

2: Learn to say ‘NO’: 

f we really want to be stress free we must learn to say no. I know it's not easy because it is rooted in our childhood to please others rather than us. Many of us struggle to say no. We indulge so much in pleasing others that we don't even understand our needs or desires. Therefore we have less time to get done what we want to do and get a stressful life.

On the other hand, we have limited energy, time and resources and this is our responsibility to use them wisely and saying no allows us to choose where we put our time and energy.

3: Ask for help when you need it: 

It's is important to recognize your limitations and ask a help when you need it.  It doesn't mean to demotivate you. There is no need to shatter you for others' comfort. For self care you need to know your own boundaries. Doing something beyond your limitations to please someone gives you stress only. 

“Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. It’s one of the bravest things you can do. And it can save your life.”          - Lilly Collins

4: Don't compare your life with anyone:  

When we compare our life to others we allow stress to ruin our peace. We often compare other's best features with our average ones and get depressed. We should understand that we can be anything but we can't be everything. Everyone has its own role to play. So just be motivated not competitive. Focus on you. Focus on watering your grass and building your path. Focus on being the best that you can be.

 5Love Yourself:  

It doesn't mean to be selfish. It means that being as kind to yourself as you are to others. Take care of yourself so that you can be more productive and happy. If you are unhappy, stressed you will not be good to anybody else. Just remember 'दूसरों की जय से पहले खुद को जय करे '| 

When you love yourself, you will have a more satisfying life as you feel good about your circumstances and your ability to change them at any given moment. When you love yourself you are able to spread that positivity with the people around you and encourage them to pour love into themselves as well.

(Taking a good care of yourself is extremely important for everyone. The importance of self-care and some tips to practice self-care, read here Take A Better Care Of Yourself )

 6: Live in the Present:

It means stop worrying about what happened in the past and be fearless about what will happen in the future. The only important moment is present. You will be more satisfied and less stressed if you live in the present because you'll stop to remember those stressful moments of the past. Living in the present moment means no longer worrying about what happened in the past and not fearing what will happen in the future. It means enjoying what is happening now and living for today.

If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”           - Roy T. Bennett

7: Get enough sleep:

Due to the change in lifestyle and increasing workload, most of the people are getting less sleep. At least 8 hours sleep is necessary for every human being. Sleeping less makes a person prone to stress quickly. Along with this, irritability also comes in his nature. He gets annoyed or angry quickly on anything. Such people can be victims of the problem of chronic depression, the treatment of which is very complex. A good night sleep makes you able to tackle the stress more easily.
(Getting enough sleep helps to keep our mind and body healthy. Sleep patterns are an important  factor of rest. Read HOW TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY to improve your sleep.)

8: Laugh More:

Laughter is the best medicine; this is a very old saying, yet veracious. There is an inverse relationship between laughter and stress. The more you laugh, the less you stress. Laughter is a healthy release of negative energy. Think about how you feel after you have just busted your gut-relaxed, happy and calm so give yourself ample opportunity to provide some laugh therapy daily.

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”      - Lord Byron

9: Connect with others:

Humans are social animals. We crave feeling supported, valued and connected. When we connect to people close to us, our friends, it’s increased our happiness. A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease our work troubles and help us see things in a different way. The activities we do with friends help us relax. We often have a good laugh with them, which is an excellent stress reliever.

10: Be Creative:

When you're bogged down by everyday responsibilities, then exploring a new hobby is not a priority for you. But do you know that taking time out in your daily routine to do something creative that makes you feel relaxing and calm can be very effective in reducing stress. Being creative is a great way to relax, rejuvenate you and creating a more positive mindset.

 A stress free life does not mean that nothing bad will happen, it means to be strong enough to eliminate those things which cause stress. It’s natural and normal to be stressed sometimes. Try relieving and managing stress using a few simple strategies. But if you feel overwhelmed, talk to your doctor.

(Depression, stress and anxiety are very common all across the world and It can cause major health issues here are some practical tips to deal with stress How To Overcome Depression And Anxiety: Few Practical Tips)

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