How To Maintain A Healthy Relationship With Your Children

Becoming a parent is a very beautiful moment for every couple.  On the other hand becoming a parent is not such an easy task either. There are many occasions when you feel that you have failed miserably as a parent. However, there are ups and downs in the life of every parent.

There is no age of children where they don’t need their parents. Similarly, parents are never too old to give their valuable advice to their children. However, the relationship between parents and children keep changing time to time and every parent wants to have a healthy relationship with their children at all times. Here are some healthy tips to maintain healthy relationship with your child that you must try.

Never Compare Them

Just as all five fingers are not equal, in the same way every child is different and special in itself. You must understand that every child is special in its own right. Every child can have different dreams and thoughts and it’s the job of the parents to respect their feelings and dreams.

If you tell your child that you are inferior to someone, then he may gradually become a victim of inferiority complex and his self-confidence starts to weaken. Comparison also destroys the positive energy of children. That is why it is very important that you accept your child as he is. Let them be whoever they want to be in their life. Let them do whatever they are interested in.

Click here 8 Ways To Raise A Confident Child and read some tips to raise a confident child.

State the natural consequences to convince them

No matter how much you scold and threaten, they will never understand their mistake. The best way is to let them see practical results to convince them. For example- If you have instructed your child to keep the room clean, and then leave. When he starts losing his things, then he himself will understand this. It will take more time but the method is definitely effective.

Behave according to age of your child

The most important thing is that you should take care of their age in raising your child. If you are treating your teenage child like a toddler, then it can prove to be harmful. As every child grows old, every child needs independence, so according to the age of your child, take care of their needs and provide them enough space. Although it is not so easy that your behavior changes rapidly, but the need of the time is to take special care of the age of the children in their upbringing.

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Be a parent if needed

It is said that everyone should treat their child like a friend but you should take care that this does not stop you from becoming a parent. Friends ignore every mistake, but parents should stop their children from making mistakes and wrong decisions. Don't be afraid that stopping and mentoring will push them away from you or get annoyed. They may be angry with you for a while but it is better to bear the resentment for a few moments. You have to be strict according to the circumstances.

Be an active listener to your child

Though it’s vital in every relationship, but it works wonder in maintain a healthy relationship with your children. Try to maintain effective communication with your children. Always talk to them. Listen and understand their fears, feelings and concerns. The biggest responsibility of being a parent is to take an interest in everything your children says. If he is ever in trouble, he will come to you instead of going to friends or other people. If you want them to listen to you, then it is also necessary that you listen to them first. It will help to build a stronger bond with your child.

Don't impose your decision on them

Most of the parents feel that it’s their right to make rules for their children and also decide their punishment. But you often forget that your child also has a right to know the reasons. You cannot forcibly impose a list of do's and don'ts on them. Why rules are necessary, what is the reason; if you tell these things to your children then it will be easy. While making rules, listen to the children once.

Give time to them

 In today’s hectic lifestyle, we have everything accept time. In such a situation, many parents are unable to take out quality time for children and family. This affects the upbringing of children. Have a nice and wonderful time with the kids. This will increase the emotional bond between you and your children. To have a good and great time with the children, you participate in their activities with them. Play with them.

Respect them

When children are respected they are successful in life. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is. If children do not have respect for peers, authority or themselves, it is almost impossible for them to be successful. Children are like clay. As you mold them, they will be molded. If you give respect to the child from childhood, respond lovingly to his words, he will learn the same behavior from you. If you pay attention to the feelings of the children, their decision, then not only will your bond be strong but they will also realize that their words are heard and understood and at the same time it will also increase a sense of responsibility in them.

Conquer their trust

It’s very important to have trust in your relationship. If you want to conquer their trust, you have to trust them first and show it to them. For this allow your children the freedom to make certain decisions according to their age. This will make them feel their importance and responsibility. You can take their opinion in some small things like what to eat for dinner or where to go for a walk. These things may sound very small, but their impact on the upbringing of the child is very deep and positive. It will improve their self confidence also.

Try to understand their Perspective also

Parents simply scold the child for any mistake and understand that they have fulfilled their duty. It is very important to understand the child's point of view. If he did any wrong behavior, then try to understand why he did it. Also, give the child full opportunity to speak his mind. Make the child feel that a fair policy is followed in the house, to listen and understand everyone.

Respect Their Privacy

The word privacy does not just mean that the child is given the freedom to be in a closed room. It also means that we keep the child's words to ourselves. Often, talking with their children's freinds, parents also start discussing those things of their child with their friends or start laughing at them, which your child may not like it. Keep in mind that you respect this privacy of the child.

The parent-child relationship is complex one. A solid foundation can help make it stronger with each stage of child development. To maintain a healthy relationship with your child you can try above mentioned tips. If you want to add something, share it in the comment sections.

 Click here How to cope with teenagers: problems and solutions to deal with your teenage children.

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