How To Make This Year More Productive

New year is just around the corner and everyone is wondering how to be more productive. Each new year provides a wonderful opportunity to take stock of your life, habits, values, and goals for the future. Whether you're a hard-and-fast resolution person or not, you can get a lot out of reflection at the new start of each calendar or new academic semester.

Here are some genius ways to be more productive in your life . These tips can be helpful for the students also. Let’s see how you can make this year the most productive year ever.

Be realistic with your waking time

Be realistic with your waking time

There are two types of people, one who gets up early and are called an early riser and one who stays up late at night and are called a night owl. We all know that being an early riser has several advantages, not only it gives you good health benefits but also it improves your mental health. Even almost all the successful people are early risers. Whenever we talk about good habits or healthy habits, the habit of waking up early takes the first rank. Even in my past articles related to time management and healthy habits, I have also included this point. You can read about them here:

5 Habits I Adopted To Maintain My Figure

 By reading the biographies of successful people, we also decide to wake up at 5 in the morning and set alarm at night. But when the alarm rings in the morning we snooze it and wake up by 7 with the feeling of looser that we did not awake at 5. We keep getting sad thinking about this all day and spoil our mood. Despite that, we have to be more realistic with our waking time so that we wake up in a fresh mood. Though it is very beneficial to wake up early, if you can’t make it happen do not be depressed. Be realistic with your waking time and plan your day accordingly so that you can use your time productively.

Plan your day the night before

Plan your day

It’s a very old practice to plan your day the night before. I think every housewife runs her house and does all the chores efficiently because she has a clear picture of her day. She plans what work she has to do the next day the night before. I too have inherited this habit from my mother and it works wonders for me. Like earlier, we used to tell our children to put the school bag the night before so that there is no problem in the morning (we said it earlier because they have been taking online classes due to covid for two years). It works similarly.

If you plan the day the night before, you will be amazed at how much your overall productivity increased. If you plan your day night before, you will not only get more done in less time, you will also experience more flow.

If you want to be more productive and get more things done, you must learn this skill. If you want success in your actions, planning is the key. When you are planning you not only manage your day, you also learn to manage and discipline yourself.

Spend your time wisely

We should treat our time like our money. We spend our money wisely so that we grow financially, similarly, we should spend our time wisely so that we grow in our life. Time is more precious than money because time is perishable, you can’t take it back.

We often say that ‘I don’t get time’ or ‘I don’t have enough time’ or ‘I don't know where my day ends’. If you don’t know it means you don’t have clarity about your time. Never mind, better late than never. Change this from right now. You should know where you spend your time. Prioritize your tasks when you plan your day so that you have a clear picture of your time. You will know where you are spending your time so you can manage it well and when you manage your time well you don’t regret it, you feel satisfied. This feeling of satisfaction makes you more productive.

Time batching

If we want to complete any task efficiently we have to be focused on that but one or two distractions and we completely lose focus. Getting back to work seems impossible for some time. So what can we do to stay productive and be focused?  Time batching might be the thing you need to be focused on or stay focused on and increase your productivity during the workday.

Time batching, also known as the Pomodoro technique, is a time management method in which you take a few similar tasks, group them and complete them in one go without interruptions.

This technique is not new especially for homemakers. We have seen our grandmothers and mothers complete their tasks in one go and then take another task to do. If they are in the kitchen, they first complete their kitchen chores then they do laundry or cleaning or any other task.

Every efficient housewife works like this. But this thing became popular when someone wrote a book on it and gave it a modern name. Whether you learn from the book or your mother, time batching is an effective technique to stay focused. It’s much easier to focus if we are completing similar tasks at a time without any distraction. It’s a smart way as you retain your focus and get things done efficiently.

Save your energy

If you want to be productive, you need to be well-rested. Give rest your body and give rest your mind too. When our body gets tired we give it rest. When it needs fuel we give it food but we forget our minds. Our mind also needs rest and fuel.

To give your mind rest don’t overthink and to make it happy reward it. We work hard to accomplish our big goals and we are often distracted in our journey because it’s a long way to go. But our mind needs regular rewards. We enjoy those things in which we get rewards. So keep rewarding yourself from time to time to retain your energy. When you plan your day and work accordingly and complete your tasks efficiently, reward yourself. Do whatever you like. Watch Netflix, play a game whatever you like. Take rest when you feel like it and you will be back with more energy.

Related: Take A Better Care Of Yourself

Don’t be harsh with yourself

When you make a plan keep one thing in your mind that you are making a plan and not promising. If someday your plan doesn’t work, don’t judge yourself. It will happen, sometimes it will not work. You need to understand that every day will not work according to your plan. On that point don’t give up. Analyze your plans. Think where you are wrong and fix that. It’s your life; you are the master of it so plan it according to your choice. If you will succeed in that, you will live the life of your dream and on that day you will realize that your hard work is worth it.

Related: Leave your comfort zone if you want to live a comfortable life

Just think if you apply these tips in your life how productive you will become. Think how productive will be every day. Think what you thought will turn into reality. Think where you will be after three years and also think where you would be if you didn't do this. Life is meant to be spent but how you spend your life depends on you. If you spend an entire day reading articles about productivity, like this one, you are not being productive. The only way you find out if something works for you is to implement it and see what happens.

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May this year will be your best year. Happy 2023  !


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