This Winter, 6 Ways To Add Oil In Your Beauty Routine

In my previous post (Homemade Natural Face Wash For Daily Use) I discussed about the importance of skin care. Our skin never takes a break from protecting our body, but in winter season it works especially hard to maintain elasticity and preserve moisture. Though winter is a very pleasant weather, it’s important to pay extra attention to our skin in the months of winter and try to keep our skin healthy throughout the season.

Some of the major problems that we all face during the winter seasons are dry and itchy skin, chapped lips and cracked heels. Therefore the skin needs nourishment so that it can retain the moisture better. For this it’s essential to prepare our skin well ahead of the harsh winters.

There are many simple ways to combat the causes of dry winter skin and help keep your skin feeling moist and supple all season long.

No I am not talking about the harsh chemical based market products which give you instant results but harm your skin in long run. Instead of that using natural thing for your skin care is much more beneficial in long run. In fact they also can give you instant results.

Many people finding it very easy to use chemical based market products rather than natural products thinking that their preparation is time taking and natural products are sometimes not easily available but I will tell you about a product which is as handy as salt in an Indian kitchen. That is none other than oil.

Now reading this you might be thinking that I am talking about hair care but like hair, oils play a crucial role in the effective skin care routine especially in winters. Oils are as virtuous for our skin as for our hair. It would not be exaggeration if I say that oil alone is the solution of your many skin problems. Let’s see how we can include oils in our skin care regimen during winters.

As Natural Body Lotion

If you want your skin feeling nourished and smooth, you can use oil especially coconut oil as body lotion. In general, coconut oil is a great option for almost everybody, except if you have oily skin and you are acne prone.

Coconut oil is a well-known, cheap and popular alternative of chemical based body lotions. It helps your skin stay moisturized as it contains antioxidants and vitamins. You may worry about feeling sticky after applying it, but coconut oil is absorbed rapidly into your skin and your body feels moisturized and smooth. However, coconut oil is preferred as body lotions alternative because coconut oil is easily absorbed into the skin and is known to have many health benefits, including those from vitamins E and K, as well as its antifungal and antibacterial properties, mustard oil also can be used instead (I do) and I find it equally effective. You can try any of these.

To use oil as body lotion, apply oil in shower after using body wash and before drying down. Oils work better when it is applied on damp skin, (be careful not to slip) and you are done. Yes it’s that simple. Give it a try.

Body Scrub

Yes oils can be used as a natural body scrub too. You can make a body scrub with the help of your kitchen ingredients. This is great for the skin, inexpensive and wonderfully moisturizing and blissfully absent of chemicals.

To make your own chemical free homemade body scrub, mix 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/4 cup granulated sugar together and use this scrub 2-3 times a week. This make at home scrub will leave your skin soft and smooth instantly.

Under Eye Cream

To lighten the dark circles under your eyes and reduce under- eye puffiness use almond oil instead of expensive under eye creams. Almond oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Almond oil is a natural alternative of chemical based under eye cream as it contains retinol vitamin E and vitamin k that keep your skin nourished. It also can keep the delicate skin under your eyes smooth without irritating it.

For this take 3 to 4 drops of almond oil and apply it evenly on your dark circles under eye skin. Leave it for overnight. Repeat the process daily for great result.

As Natural Moisturizer

Above I have written a lot about coconut oil and its numerous properties. Coconut oil is so virtuous that you can use it even on your face to moisturize it. Coconut oil contains fatty acids that help reduce signs of aging and keeps dry skin moisturized.

Olive oil also contains vitamin E, which serves as a moisturizer for the skin. To use natural oils as moisturizer, wash your face first with a face wash. You can use homemade face wash too.Now take a teaspoon of any oil for which you are comfortable. Then dab it on your forehead, cheeks, nose, upper lip and chin. Use circular motions to gently spread it on your skin. It would not take one minute for dry. Don’t forget your neck also.

The use of natural oils for skin and hair care has been around for years. Finding out how much oil suits your needs may require a little trial and error. While there is no research regarding the amount of oil that should be used as a moisturizer, your skin will tell you when enough is enough. If it feels too greasy, that means it hasn’t all been absorbed.

You can use oil on your face if you have normal or dry skin but if you have oily skin or acne prone skin use them sparingly or you can choose another natural treatment such as Aloe Vera gel.

Lip Balm

Everyone likes soft and glossy lips. The skin of our lips is quite thin and that is the reason it is so easy for them to become dry and chapped. Cracked lips are common in harsh winter weather.

If you are someone who is sick of your dry, flaky lips, you can try these remedies that will do wonder for you and leave you with bright and delicate lips.

All you need is desi ghee. Apply it daily before you go to bed. Massage your lips slightly and leave it. You will soon the difference. Instead of lip balm, use ghee to get relief from chapped lips.

Another remedy is to apply mustard oil in your belly button. Mustard oil acts as a great moisturizer. Mustard oil contains vitamin E, MUFA, PUFA, Omega 3 and 6, minerals and antioxidants.

Cracked Heels

Cracked heels, another big reason of taking more care of skin in winters. Most of us do spend a lot of time taking care of our face, but the least importance is given to our feet, often completely ignored.

Cracked heels not only look ugly but also the one who has cracked heels, suffers a lot. In some cases, cracks in the heels can become very deep and cause pain. Dead skin builds up and dryness leads to cracked heels and it is essential to work on them when the skin starts feeling slightly hardened.

There is a very simple solution to treat cracked heels and that is mustard oil or coconut oil. Even you can use them when you apply oil on your body as body lotion. You just need to scrub your heels with a foot scrubber or pumice stone and apply the oil for which you are comfortable and you are good to go. I personally use mustard oil but you can use any other oil which is easily available for you. Coconut oil or almond oil even castor oil can be very effective to get smooth and soft heels. Spending few minutes daily to take care of your feet can go a very long way.

Don't miss out on adding oil to your routine this season and be prepared your skin to stay healthy and hydrated this winter!Be good to your skin and be good to yourself.

Happy Winters!

Disclaimer:  The information provided in this blog is not given by a health care professional. Though each and every tip shared in this blog has been tried by me, each and everyone is different and might react differently to them. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.

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