keeping Fast- Worth or Not

Karvachauth is around the corner and is followed by the Ahoyi Ashtami. In Karvachauth, women fast, often nirjala, from sun rise to moon rise, for the husband’s long and healthy life. In Ahoyi Ashtami fast, again a day long penance for the son’s health and wellbeing.

Fasting is a very common practice in our society. Fasting is observed in almost every religion but in Hindu Dharam, fasting is an integral part of it.

Fasting means intentionally disengagement from eating for a particular period of time. There is a detailed description about the rationale and methods of fasting in Hindu scriptures. Even in modern world, intermittent fasting is very popular among the people to lose weight.

The innumerable stories and their positive spiritual benefits of observing fast are deeply narrated in our Puranas and Holy textbooks.

Fasting is one of the methods of self discipline. This is just a way to control your desires. It helps in creating a blissful bonding between a person and the Supreme power- The God.

As per Hindu scriptures, fasting helps create an attachment with the God. It builds a harmonious relationship between the body and the soul. 

The aim of observing fast is to purify the body and mind to acquire divine grace. 

As per science, fasting is good to boost stamina and to nourish physical health for long life. It also helps train the mind and strengthens the body to endure and face difficulties and not to give up. 

Spiritual Significances of Fasting: 

1: In Hindu scriptures, fasting is a method which connects us with God. 
It's a way of self discipline. 

2: You may do this spiritual act to acquire divine grace. 

3: Fasting purifies and cleanses the body and mind and prepares them for austerities. 

4: When we fast, we sacrifice food to God. It's a symbol of our faith and devotion towards God. 

5: In Hindu scriptures it’s a penance which provides an opportunity for people to ask for forgiveness of their sins.

Even in Mahabharat one of the holy book of Hindus, abstention of food is considered as the superior penance.

6: In many Hindu scriptures, fasting is described in the form of ‘Tapsaya’ as it helps us to control our senses.  To be God-conscious, it is very essential to control our senses.

Scientific significance of fasting:

"We fast not to please the Divine, but to cleanse our body.”- Gurudev Sri Sri  Ravishankar

1: As per Ayurveda, the accumulation of toxic materials in our digestive system is the major cause of developing many diseases in our body. Fasting provides rest to our digestive system. It cleans our body and cures our body ails on its own. All the cells of the body are rejuvenated.

It is an effective therapy to cleanse our body. When the body is cleansed, the mind becomes calmer and more peaceful because of the deep connection between the body and the mind.

2: Fasting in once in a week has been found very effective for weight loss. If you take traditional low calories diet during your fasting day, it may help you in weight loss.

However, the way you break your fast also matters. Returning to your pre-fasting ways and no lifestyle changes to maintain the weight loss can result in weight gain.

3: To reduce the risk of heart ailments, one should incorporate fasting into one’s routine life. Several studies have found that fasting is effective to reduce the risk factors of heart disease and high cholesterol.

4: It is found that fasting is beneficial in the treatment of cancer as it controls and eliminates cancer cells in the body.

Animal studies suggest that fasting could make cancer treatments like chemotherapy more effective.

5: Fasting helps in increasing anti-aging processes in the body, hence extends longevity. Several studies found that fasting can increase levels of human growth hormone, metabolism, weight loss and muscle strength which are vital for long life.

Fasting is beneficial in growth of spiritual, mental, physical and emotional strength.  Since ancient times, the followers of almost all the religions are observing fast as per their faith and tradition as well as for their spiritual growth.

Is fasting a good idea?

Well like any other practice, fasting also has some cons.

It includes dizziness, headaches, low blood sugar, weakness, and fatigue. Prolonged fasting can lead to anemia. During a fast you may fell a little tired, hungry and irritable. So during fasting make sure that you eat sufficient amounts of fresh fruits and other sattvic food to keep yourself energized.

Though fasting provides many benefits to a person bit it is not recommended for certain body constitutions and health conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your physician before you fast. Also, keep in mind that you must fast only as much as you are comfortable.


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