Why less is more?

         I have been a student of economics. There is a concept in economics ‘Utility’ in which we read that the more you consume, the utility which you get from the consumption of that thing, decreases with time. Now in our surroundings, we see that people are tending to increase their consumption.There is a flood of advertisements which informs us that we should eat more, shop more basically consume more as we are not having enough. It’s all about consumerism.

     Less is more is a phrase. It means to have just the essential things and it’s a better way than having many superfluous things so that your life would be less complicated. The idea of less is more is grounded on the value of simplicity. It means having less you are creating a life of more. It’s not the lack of something; it is the perfect amount of something. There are so many ways where I tried this concept in many ways and believe me it helps me a lot.

  Beauty and make-up:

      I came through this concept when I was reading an article on makeup a few years ago.  In this article, I got a chance to know that we don’t need to apply many makeup products to look beautiful. Instead of that, we should use minimal makeup to bring out our natural beauty and enhance our natural features.

   Eating Habits:

    Eating less leads us to a healthy life. Does it mean to deprive you of eating or force you to eat under portion? No, it means to indulge in mindful eating. When you would eat mindfully or chew your food properly, you would realize that you don’t need much food rather you should eat less and move more to live a healthy life. Similarly, eat less junk food and more healthy food to live a healthy life.

   Minimalist with Closet:

    Well, this point is a personal choice. I can understand that it’s not as simple as it seems to be minimalist with your closet. As I said earlier, it’s a personal choice. You know better whether you have enough clothes or you need more. It should be decided by you that you need more clothes or more space. The concept less is more can also be defined as we can buy fewer things but better things. The choice is yours that you need more stuff or minimal clothing pieces that you can wear with mix and match ideas.

   Emotional Habits:

     What we want eagerly in the current scenario…less stress more smiles. Almost all were struggling with stress; Corona has made things even worse. Stress gives adverse effects on our health and disrupts our sleep too. Smile more and stress less and keep calm to manage your mental well being.

   Finance Habits:

     Spend less and you have more money. We feel more positive when we save money rather than we spend it. We feel a sense of security for our future if we have more money. Recognize how much enough for you and identify your true expenses. 

   Home Decor:

    Well, the phrase less is more made by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1947. When it has come from an architect, it simply means that less furniture more space or style your home with minimalist decor. Again it’s a personal choice. What type of furniture you want to have in your home, how you want to decorate your house…it’s totally up to you. However, when you have less furniture you have less clutter which means more space and you have a clear and calm mind.

  There are many other things where you need less and live more:

      Apart from the above points, we can use the concept of less is more in some other ways not only for our physical well being but to increase our mental and emotional capacity too.

    More walking:

    This day and age, we depend on our cars to move around even for the short distance. We should drive less and walk more to be active. At least we can manage without car for walking distance. If we do so we not only help our-self but we can create a positive impact on environment also. 

    Use your time wisely:

      At times we spend our time on mindless scrolling on social media forget to live our real life. If we use less social media we have more time to spend on our hobbies. Despite of doing senseless scrolling, you may download some apps like kindle or keep some books near your bed. You can also watch some videos or read some blogs on your favorite activities to increase your creativity.

    More doing:

     At times we get so indulge in planning that we forget about doing it. So try to make less planning and more doing. Similarly, at times we think too much and do nothing at the end of the day. So try to less thinking and more doing too. Try to spend less time on planning and focus on the things that you can achieve in short times. It will boost your confidence.

    More believing:

   It is a very important thing to believe in yourself. What would you achieve in life if you have doubts about your capabilitiesLess doubt and more belief in you to live a confident life.You should practice self-affirmations every day to boost your confidence. You can write your positive points and read them each day and keep aside those negative self-doubts thoughts which prevent you to do something good.

    More encouraging:

   Less complaining and more appreciation, make this approach to live a happy and peaceful life. There are so many things to complain about in life but it is not the solution to any problem. Instead of complaining, we should focus on fixing them. 

    Less talking:

               Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than silence.

     I read this quote on the internet somewhere and it attracted my attention. If you want to learn something, you should talk less and listen more. There is no need to speak always. We cannot learn only from our experiences, sometimes we should pay attention and learn from others experiences too.    

    We have discussed so far some ways where less means more. After fulfillment of our basics needs the only thing we need more is a sense of happiness and joy.  You can have a sense of security and pleasure with less because you are getting more value in your life. However it’s a personal choice to be minimalist but if you adapt your life in this way, I am sure you get more clarity, more space, more focus, apparently by having less you are gaining more.

What are some things you would like to have less? Tell us in the comment section below.


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